Terms and conditions

Privacy policy

Coldroombuilder uses mail system to contact with the customers (for example quotation reception, online error notice). The clients have to enface the name, company name, phone number and e-mail accessibility. Coldroombuilder use these data privately and use it solely in favour of the attendance of clients.

Authorial rightless

The owner of the site is the Coldroombuilder. The content and the formal elements are copyable only with the approval of them. The writer of the site (as an assembly creation) is the constructor. Her/his law are not apply the assorted creations owners legals.


When the users visit the page at the first time the web server send cookie function to them in order to record some information about the user’s habit and the device’s adjustment. The acceptance is secure and even recommended becasue of the cookie allay and customize the browsing.

Cookies do not collect user data intead of supply statistic base which can help to determine the correct way of developmental. Accordingly the contexture and the functioning of the site can be airless and user friendly even more.


What kind of cookies are used by the Coldroombuilder?


Cookie typeCookie purposeTerm of stored
Google Analyticsattendance measuremen1 year
Hot Jaruser attitude assay1 year


The cookies record the following:

• IP-address
• type and features of browser and the device
• the appointment of the a visit and the duration
• the adress of the previous page
• allocated function

Legal regulation and legal basis of cookies:

Data processing is based on provisions of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and Freedom of Information (Info Act), Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Aspects of Electronic Commerce and Information Society Services, and Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications.

The legal basis for data processing is your consent, in line with Section 5(1)(a) of the Info Act.