Supplying a whole system of cold rooms with Igloodoors cold room doors for CSG EU
2020 | Hungary, Törökbálint
2020 | Hungary, Törökbálint
We installed a group of custom-made cold room at the site of CSG EU Ltd, a company conducting various clinical trials. Both standard and freezing chambers have been designed in a way that allows access to the chambers from the pre-chilled corridor. Since the maintenance cost of several cold rooms can be quite high, energy-efficient design was of paramount importance. This is why we have installed IglooDoors® cold room doors that have excellent heat retention capacity.
Please read our other references
EGIS Kitchen Facility
IglooDoors® cold room doors for standard and freezing chambers
2014 | Hungary, Budapest
Supplying a whole system of cold rooms with Igloodoors cold room doors for CSG EU
2020 | Hungary, Törökbálint
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