McDonald’s Gyöngyös
2018 | Hungary, Gyöngyös
Given that our company is also from Gyöngyös, we often come across tourists asking about the closest McDonalds who drive through town. Much to their disappointment, up until now Gyöngyös didn’t have any internationally known fast food chains. However, this has radically changed now. McDonald’s brought its newest and cutting-edge restaurant to Gyöngyös and of course, all the attention that comes with it. The investment was no less than 500 Million Fts.
The concept behind the new restaurant is called “Experience the Future”. Customers in Gyöngyös can now place their orders on a touch screen and they can choose table service – a model that only exists in Budapest and now in Gyöngyös. Both the interior and exterior design of the restaurant follow the newest trends – energy efficiency, sustainability and energy conservation. The formerly austere building has been turned into a place full of life.
Sustainability has been a key factor in architecture and utilities infrastructure. The two-storey restaurant opened on the 14th of June 2018 and awaits customers with 400 m2 of space and a drive through.
As a service contractor of McDonald’s, we gladly accepted the request to supply the cold room doors of the new restaurant. The FOOD SAFE cold room doors comply with the highest hygiene and food standards and meet the expectations of a global fast food chain. The combined standard and freezing chambers can be accessed from several directions, making the filling and unloading extremely efficient.
Photos: McDonald’s Hungary, Hűtőépítő
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